Last Thursday, September 7th, CNN ran an article stating, “Biden’s defenders brush off concerns over his age and approval rating as polls show warning signs.”
While it’s difficult to trust CNN reporting, and their ratings would suggest most of America feels that way, it was the most recent article found concerning Biden’s polling numbers.
A CNN poll released the same day has Biden’s approval rating at 39%. Another statistic claimed nearly 75% of Americans think he’s too old to serve another term. Still another poll claimed there was no clear winner in a contest between Biden and Trump for the 2024 election, who is dominating the Republican field right now.
There’s a lot of unpacking to do with those last three statements, but before I go there, I have to tell you what Kamala Harris said about Biden. She was asked by CBS News about a poll showing 67% of Americans believe Biden is too old to run again. Her response, “Joe Biden is going to be fine. I think the American people, most of all, want a leader who actually gets things done.” You suppose she’s being intentionally obtuse?
The synonyms for the word “obtuse” are simple-minded, thick-headed, imperceptive, dull, and slow. You pick the word you think applies. So, 67-75% of Americans believe he’s too old, yet her response is he’s going to be fine, and America wants his leadership.
Not to be outdone, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren said “voting for President Biden is going to be about preserving our democracy. And I think a lot of Americans are going to show up to do that.” Would that be obtuse?
White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, not stranger to being obtuse, piped in last week about Biden’s trip to India, “no other president has been able to do the job like Biden.”
But that’s their job I guess, to prop up the Democrat president, the good of the country be damned. Whatever it takes to keep Dems in power, huh?
What I’m really concerned about though is that 39% of the voting population approve of the job Biden has been doing. Or the 32% who doesn’t think the sometimes-confused octogenarian is not too old to run again. Keep in mind folks, names are not listed, the polls are anonymous. That would indicate, those people either:
a) Believe the media hype, oblivious of the controversies surrounding arguably the worst president in history. This is most likely due to not paying attention to the news or reading headlines only, called low information voters, or;
b) Have some sort of financial gain with Biden in office, or;
c) Hate Trump so badly they are willing to take the country down to deny Trump taking office again. These people may be part of the Swamp that fear exposure, or:
d) Hold a portion of all the above-named reasons.
If one believes the last election numbers, which I don’t, but for ease of illustration, am using to determine the number of people still in Biden’s corner. Eighty-one million people supposedly (yeah right) voted for Biden and another 75 million voted for Trump, equaling 156 million votes. If those same 156 million were to vote again, and 39% vote for Biden, it would mean there are 60.4 million people who have a favorable opinion of the job Biden is doing. As mind blowing as that is, it means over 60 million people have no issue with Biden’s:
a) Taking foreign cash for favors, including sending billions of taxpayer dollars recurrently to Ukraine, as an example, to cover for the $10 or $20 million they paid him and his son. That cash going to Ukraine should have been going to the people in Maui or E. Palestine Ohio.
b) Son Hunter’s corrupt exploits.
c) The Afghanistan withdrawal fiasco.
d) The price of energy and subsequent gutting our infrastructure in favor of useless alternative energy sources.
e) The collapse of our southern border and the ensuing fentanyl epidemic killing Americans.
f) China’s unchecked aggression, potential payoffs, and those ridiculous weather balloons.
g) Inflation and debt.
h) The gutting of our military for wokeness policies.
i) Onset of dementia.
j) Etc.…..
I can somewhat understand some people having an issue with Trump. He’s brash, rude, and makes insensitive remarks at times. He doesn’t subscribe to wokeness. But there are good alternate candidates from Trump with DeSantis, Ramaswamy, and Haley. And for that matter, Kennedy is not that bad of an option either on the Dem side. All five of those candidates mentioned would be much better options than Biden. Yet, if polls can be believed, it would appear over 60 million would vote for Biden again.
Defies logic.