Presidential hopeful, Kamala Harris finally emerged from her cozy media cocoon to answer televised questions from various sources. The results were less than stellar but wholly predictable.
Currently she is running an ad on television, exploiting a girl that was impregnated by her step-father at the age of twelve. The commercial ends with a screen stating, “Donald Trump killed Roe v. Wade.” Then more wording appears saying, “Girls and women all over the country lost the right to choose.” After you have digested that falsehood, a final sentence comes on stating, “Even for rape or incest.”
This past week, Harris was interviewed by NBC’s Hallie Jackson. A question was asked by Jackson how she would get an abortion bill passed through a GOP-controlled Congress. Harris dodged the question until finally stating she won’t make any concessions to Republicans in order to pass abortion legislation.
Oddly, Harris seems to have made abortion the central tenet in her campaign and has called for Congress to make an end around the SCOTUS ruling to make the “protections” of Rope v. Wade into law. In June 2022, SCOTUS overturned the right to abortion in Dobbs v. Jackson, sending the lawfulness to the individual states where it belongs.
When pressed on the matter, Harris sneered “I don’t think we should be making concessions when we’re talking about a fundamental freedom to make decisions about your own body.” She didn’t elaborate how the baby’s body felt about that decision.
Pressed further, she erroneously stated, “…A basic freedom has been taken from the women of America…to make decisions about their own body. And that cannot be negotiable, which is that we need to put back in the protections of Roe v Wade, and that is it.”
The “freedom” she mentions was not taken away from anybody, the decision of the lawfulness of an abortion was taken out of the Federal governments purview and given to the individual states. She’s making something out of nothing to rile up pro-abortion groups.
Jackson asked Harris about her honesty over Biden’s mental capacity. Harris reiterated she’ been honest with the American people, stating Biden is capable in every way. Surprisingly, Jackson followed up her answer by questioning Harris’ judgement on the matter. Harris answered acerbically, “I’m running for President of the United States. Joe Biden is not,” then launched into a word salad that assists insomnia.
Later, she was interviewed by Fox’s Bret Baier. He too grilled her about when she noticed Biden’s mental capacities slipping. “You met with him at least once a week for three-and-a-half years. You didn’t have any concerns?” Baier asked. Rather than answer the question, she deferred to talking about Trump, a standard ploy on her part.
“I think the American people have a concern about…Trump, which is why the people who know him best, including leaders of our national security community have all spoken out, even people who worked for him in the Oval Office, worked with him in the Situation Room and have said he is unfit and dangerous and should never be President of the United States again, including his former vice president, which is why the job was open for him to choose another running mate. So that’s a fact,” she stated. ZZZZZ.
Blaming Trump was pretty much the standard answer given for whatever Baier asked, including her failure over the illegal immigrants pouring over the border. Even though it was Trumps fault, border agents need more money. Politicians have this irksome habit of thinking that throwing more of our money at any situation is the answer to fixing a problem. This is probably the way she will address most issues if elected president.
Even when Baier asked about transgender surgeries for illegal immigrants, she pivoted back to Trump rather than addressing the question.
An appearance on the Stephen Colbert show did not go well either. Colbert surprisingly asked her what changes she would make from the Biden Administration and what would remain the same. (I wonder if one of Colbert’s “joke” writers stuck that question in as a prank and Colbert unwittingly read it.)
Harris: “Sure, well I’m obviously not Joe Biden,” before launching into yet another of her monumental word salads that sidestepped the question asked of her. I think Colbert’s eyes glazed over.
Appearing on ABC’s the View, she stated she couldn’t think of anything she’d have done differently from the Biden presidency. Six hollow heads nodded in unison.
So, there you go Harris voters, we know she’s strongly in favor of killing babies, she’s not Biden but favors his policies, Biden’s mental capacities have never changed, and everything is Trump’s fault. Hell of a reason to vote for her.