Submitted 1/29/25

I read Mr. Bump’s recent op-ed, “The gutting of American institutions has led to Trump gutting America itself.” Surely, there has never been a greater amount of wordage oozing from the Swamp being dedicated to be being biased and wrong. To read Bump’s piece, one would come away with the thought everything was rosy under the previous administrations and Trump shouldn’t change anything.

Bump started his commentary wearing a faux-lawyer’s hat, stating that Trump’s dismissal of federal inspector’s general was in violation of the law. We don’t know that yet. In Bump’s opinion, Trump should have kept those IG’s on as other presidents did, regardless that would have meant more of the same bureaucrat shenanigans pulled off in his first term. Recall the definition of insanity – doing the same thing over and over again.

Bump obviously doesn’t like the spending freezes Trump implemented, predicting those too are a violation of the law. He will get around to taking his paper lawyers hat off later in the diatribe, but Bump evidently believes we need to keep spending and growing the government as $36 trillion in debt is not enough.

Further on down the rabbit hole, Bump claims Trump never understood the presidency, stating Trump feels he should own the presidency in the same manner as his businesses. Note to Bump, Trump has made billions of dollars with his successful companies, has been elected twice (3 times if one considers the 2020 election) so perhaps a sense of ownership might be what is needed at this time for the nation to heal.

To bolster his argument about Trump’s sense of ownership, he mentions Trumps “narrow electoral victory.” Trump won the presidency by 86 electoral college votes, 58% for Trump and 42% for Harris, hardly a narrow victory.

Bump then launches into nonsensical reflections, waxing the rest of his column on a belief “institutions exist to be greater than the sum of their parts,” which Bean reasons is not what Trump believes.

Bean’s ruminations are irrational. His media bias runs rampant throughout the piece, tossing red meat out at his readership of people also suffering Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Perhaps Bump should inform us how great the institutions worked under Biden, who basically slept through a presidency of bureaucratic ineptness and deception. The American people voted Trump in by a majority, strongly mandating government needs to change as we’re fed up with the bureaucracy of Mr. Bump’s “institutions.”

Trump has done nearly as much in his first week in office as Biden did in his entire presidency. Bump regurgitates the tired axiom that Trump is benefiting his allies, donors, and himself. Bull, he’s doing exactly what the American people voted for.