News came last week confirming what many of us knew all along – Facebook has been censoring conservative thought. Mark Zuckerberg sent a letter to the House Judiciary committee last Monday confirming that in 2021 his company was pressured by the Biden Administration & Crime Spree to censor information about COVID.

First, I should go on record that I don’t trust Zuck or his money any further than either can be thrown. Zuck is the chairman of Meta, which owns both Facebook and Instagram. I mention this because I could not find where anyone actually admitted to the crime of censorship. Somebody should put him in jail. Oh wait…

Not only was the White House pressuring Facebook to sensor conservatives, so was that Mafioso known as the FBI, under the misdirection of Comrade Christopher Wray. In the FBI’s case, they warned Facebook about Russian disinformation concerning Hunter Biden that “might” affect the 2020 election. Well, it definitely did affect it, by swaying low-information voters, allowing the FBI an assist of victory towards their preference of Biden. Think about that, the FBI purposely lied to us so as to get Biden elected.

But it got worse. When two Republican Senators, Ron Johnson and Chuck Grassley asked questions about the laptop they were subsequently warned by the FBI their investigation was considered to be in service of a Russian plot and that they would be monitored. These kinds of threats by the FBI have been going on back to the early days of J Edgar Hoover, and perfectly illustrates why the head of the entire operation needs to be severed. Where will we find somebody that might have the backbone to do just that?

You might also recall that 51 so-called “intelligence” officials signed a letter lying to the public about Hunter’s laptop being more Russian disinformation. More? These traitors tried to suppress the laptop story from us and tie Trump to Russia in order to sway the election away from Trump. None of those 51 had even looked at the laptop, nor faced any backlash over their lies.

Facebook also downgraded New York Post stories tying the Biden family to corruption, regardless of how blatant the corruption was. This was on the heels of Zuck telling the Senate in 2020 the company does not show political bias on Facebook. Then in 2021 they booted Trump off of Facebook. Imagine the unmitigated hubris of a computer geek booting a former president of the United States from a social media account.

It should also be noted Zuck donated over $400 million in 2020 to help finance local elections in, said one Federal election official, a carefully orchestrated attempt to influence the 2020 vote.  He did this through non-profits doling out cash to 2,500 counties in 49 states. He’s claimed he’s not making donations this time around. Somebody threaten him?

Keep in mind, this is just what we know about. What else was blocked or censored?. Who the hell gave the government or Mark Zuckerberg the right to censor American citizens – they work for us for crying out loud!

The problem is the censorship hasn’t stopped! The News Literary Project claims there have been over five hundred occurrences of misinformation during the 2024 election cycle so far. 

As for myself, I’ve been blocked by Facebook for two years now and have no idea why. Getting an answer from anybody there is futile. Consequently, I started two new Facebook accounts in order to continue to post stuff. To counter future Facebook censorship attempts, I joined Twitter (X), Truth Social, Instagram, Rumble, Linked In, and Substack. I don’t understand most of them, but I’m learning. I also started a mailing list with Mail Chimp to send out weekly commentaries to over a thousand contacts. You can put your name on the list by sending an email to awebber1957@gmail.com

Folks, do you see what is happening to our country under a Democrat party catering to the Socialist Far Left? This is not your grandfather’s Democrat party. It has become a Socialist organization hell-bent on taking away our rights. The Federal government has engaged in deceitful acts and corruption, then had the evidence suppressed on social media. Additionally, the CEO of the largest and most used social media service lied to Congress claiming he did not allow censorship, knowing full well he had. His actions are traitorous. Zuckerberg should be fined or in a prison cell.

He very well may be if Trump gets elected.